Today I will introduce a term I just invented (literally a minute ago). “Parallel putzing,” refers to two drivers who are so oblivious to their surroundings that they are driving perfectly parallel to each other for miles, thereby creating an effective mobile block of traffic. The left lane is a passing lane. If you are not actually passing someone in the right lane, you should not be in the left lane! Are you trying to carry on a conversation with the driver of the neighboring car? Are you trying to exchange phone numbers or spicy mustard? Do you have some kind of OCD where you need everything in your environment to be paired? If not then I don’t understand why you insist on driving directly alongside another vehicle. Police can ticket drivers for being aggressive and reckless; why not also ticket drivers for blocking traffic by driving like a horse with blinders on? Now they can.
Police officers can now issue tickets for “parallel putzing” or blocking traffic by driving perfectly parallel with the driver in the neighboring lane for more than five miles.
As always I remain your all-powerful and benevolent Queen of the World,
This post was the most amazing post in the history of posts. I've had need for a term to describe this foolishness and now I have one. This parallel stupidity annoys me beyond words. - Andy W.