Thus far I have tried not to be selfish with my decrees. My focus has been the greater good. A run of selfish decrees would surely be an abuse of power, but one selfish decree now and again wouldn’t be so wrong would it?
I had two huge disappointments this weekend while going out to restaurants. It seems that two different restaurants have both recently removed my favorite dishes from their menus! I almost exploded in a rage that these businesses could be so disrespectful to their Queen but then I realized that they practically had no way of knowing what my favorite dishes were. Now they will not longer have an excuse. There is now a list of my favorite things at the bottom of this page and I expect restaurants to hold this list as sacred as if it were written by Oprah herself. The items in bold on this list have already been removed from menus and must be brought back.
Items listed on “Queen Marisa’s Favorite Things” may not be removed from restaurant menus. If they have already been removed they must be brought back.
This decree may not benefit you at all if your tastes are not at all similar to mine. Sorry about that. It should benefit restaurants however, because even though it places them under a mandate, I expect lots of people would love to order items that are the documented favorites of the Queen of the World.
Sorry again for the selfish decree. I will try to exercise more noble intentions tomorrow.
As always I remain your all-powerful and benevolent Queen of the World,
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