When I declared the 40-hour work week I should have been more clear. For each day that you work you should also be entitled to at least a 30 minute paid break for a meal (lunch for most people). I think it’s really cheap to make employees work an eight and a half hour day with a half-hour unpaid lunch. Why not just make it eight hours and forty-five minutes so that you are also not paying for bathroom breaks? A certain amount of break-time every day should be expected and encouraged. I’m not saying that your workers should be on the Emerald City schedule (up at 12; go to work at 1; hour for lunch; done at 2), but one extended break for a meal and various beverage and bathroom breaks are necessary, should be encouraged, and should be paid. Employees work better if they have a means to refresh their minds and bodies over the course of a day. Gulping down a sandwich at your desk may seem more productive, but a burned out employee will only work slower and sloppier. On the other hand, giving your employees ample break time should help them work better and ultimately increase their overall work product. Finally, companies that do not have an in-house cafeteria should give their employees a full hour for lunch (something all companies are encouraged to do). Sometimes it can take a half hour just to get your food depending on the area you are in. Sure you could always bring your lunch, but you shouldn’t have to. In other words, people need to time to go and buy their cake and then eat it too.
All companies must provide their employees with a paid meal break that is at least 30 minutes long.
As always I remain your all-powerful and benevolent Queen of the World,
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