Daily Decrees

Beginning January 1, 2011, your all powerful yet benevolent despot will make one decree daily that will become instant and unquestionable law. Though it is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely, it is yet unkown whether absolute imagined power corrupts. Perhaps it merely corrupts the imagination. We'll find out as Marisa, the newly ordained Queen of the World, attempts to change the world for the better by making 365 unilateral decisions. Ultimately though, it doesn't really matter whether you agree with her decisions or not. So feel free to comment as long as you understand your comments are in vain. In all honesty though your queen is hopeful that you will consider the vast majority of her decrees to be the kind of decisions you wish your previous leaders had made years ago. The best part of being the supreme ruler of the world is that changes can be made easily. There are no agreements to be reached, no protocols to follow, and no bureaucratic red tape...and that is the whole point.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011 – The Day After the Super Bowl

I find it very frustrating that the day after spending an entire evening drinking beer, eating nachos, and screaming in the general direction of a television, I have to get up early the next morning and go to work.  A day of work that will surely be made much more difficult with the hangover, upset stomach, and laryngitis that I will no doubt be suffering from (OK no hangover this year of course but you get my point).  The day after the Super Bowl should be a holiday, especially when you consider that Americans celebrate the Super Bowl more religiously than most other holidays.  Having the day after the Super Bowl free, more people could travel for parties, stay up to watch the whole game, and indulge Bacchanal style.  Hey, in order to maintain good mental health it is important to let loose once in a while. 
Since I don’t want to make things too hard on companies (especially after the whole 40-hour work week and one year maternity leave decrees) I am simply going to replace President’s Day with Day After the Super Bowl.  That way there is no additional missed work.  I think that if George Washington was alive in the era of the Super Bowl, he would whole heartedly support this decision.  So drink up my merry minions.  Enjoy your day of fun and your new day of recovery.
The Day After the Superbowl is now a Federal Holiday (replacing President’s Day).  All offices that can be closed, should be closed on this day.
Go Packers!
As always I remain your all-powerful and benevolent Queen of the World,
P.S.  Career Builder.com – I know what you are planning.  Those are chimpanzees in your commercials – not monkeys!!!  Disobey my decree and face my wrath!

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